Fill the gap! A challenge for the new church year.

I like technology development. Luckily for me, in my job I get to participate in various technology development efforts. These projects create and develop new technology to address current needs. We often talk about the needs for new technology as technological “gaps”. We look at where we want or need to be in the future and define the missing pieces in our roadmap to getting there. These are defined technology gaps. They are very important when it comes to deciding what projects to pursue, fund, or work. As a matter of fact, it is getting to the point that all future proposals for new work must directly tie to a defined technology gap.

As we move into the new church year, let God challenge us to address the loving others “gaps” in the world around us. God has people doing some amazing things in our community. Where are the “gap” areas where no one is standing in for others? Ezekiel 22 describes a land that has gone horribly wrong. Listed in this chapter are misbehaving leaders, the mistreatment of others, oppression, conspiracy, injustice, and more. It is a mess! In all this, God looks for someone to stand before him in the gap on the behalf of the land. He looks for people who see the ways things have gone wrong and are willing to stand up for those who are in need. This church year, let’s define the ministry gaps. Where are the places where people are in desperate need of the goodness of God and have no one to stand in the gap and help connect them to Him? Perhaps this can be our call and govern our direction. Perhaps we can tie our efforts to specific gaps in our world and let us be the one’s who connect those in need to the God who is love.

Life restored...

As we continue to walk through Holy Week, let us be reminded of the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:1-14. God’s words for the nation of Israel of bringing the dry bones of the valley back to life are words for us this week as well. No matter how lifeless we may feel and no matter what destruction we have experienced, God is the one who makes life and can restore life in us! This week as we look at the cross and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us not forget that there is new life available for us all through God here and now in addition to an eternal resurrection that Jesus demonstrated for those who follow Him!

Spring weeding...

As we begin Holy Week this year and our walk toward the cross and resurrection, let’s start even before Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. John 12:1-11 shows us how the seeds of sin and destruction take root and begin processes that can get out of hand. Let’s look at Judas. Oh how we often wonder how he could betray Jesus! But looking at the story of Mary anointing Jesus we see something interesting. As Mary is honoring Jesus with costly perfume John tells us he objects; but then goes into a little background. According to John, Judas had already been taking from the group funds. He had already been skimming off the top. Furthermore, this stealing had fostered a conditioned fake caring about others to benefit these practices. We see not only the obvious sin of taking money from the group but the more subtle sin of falsehood and pretending to care about the poor when he really didn’t (at least care enough to take action).

If your home is anything like ours, as we walk this Holy Week we are surrounded by the wonderfulness of spring. This spring comes with new growth in the yard and on the trees and looks beautiful! However looking closely, you also see the weeds sprouting among the grass and the poison ivy coming up in the woods! This is the time to pull those up by the roots — before they get out of control!

This Holy Week, let’s start off searching for anything in ourselves that might be sprouting up that is not completely oriented to the person of Jesus! Is there anything brewing in our hearts, spirits, or minds that is “on the down low”, “just a guilty pleasure that’s not hurting anyone”, “just part of who I am even though it’s not aligned with Jesus”, a fake face we feel we need to put on in order to “look” like we’re following Jesus, or maybe just a reactionary response we have to things that we know we shouldn’t have? If so, let’s make sure we confess it to God and ask Him to pull it up by the roots! These little seedlings, these little sprouts… even though hardly noticeable in the eyes of others can lead to destruction and pain beyond what we can imagine. Why would we try to live with the strangling “weeds” in our life when He can remove them and make way for amazing grace, life, and beauty to flourish!

Meeting the long awaited Jesus!

Today we continue looking at the interactions people had with Jesus in the Bible! How exciting to be able to see real accounts of the effect of Jesus on people's lives. Again we will ask ourselves, what was the effect of the interaction? Have we experienced that effect in our own lives? What would happen if those around us experienced this effect? What can we do to let people know about this way Jesus can affect our lives? We'll look today at a man named Simeon and how he responded to meeting Jesus! Come hear what this man did and said when he met the long awaited Jesus!

Meeting with Jesus!

This week we start a new series about meeting Jesus! We will look at the various times people met Jesus in the Bible and the changes that He had in the lives of others. What effects would meetings like these have on our lives today? Who around you needs a meeting with Jesus like these? How can we help people experience Jesus in this way? Today we look forward to the great things Jesus has in store for our lives and the lives of the world around us. Can’t wait!

Click below to download today’s notes and activities…

Study Notes

Word Search

Difficult Maze

Medium Difficulty Maze

Variety is the spice of life... and ministry!

Today we looked at 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. Here’s some questions/notes we asked and looked at…

•Do you know someone who is good at something you are not?

•What is your gut reaction when you come across someone with different skills and experiences?

•The church should be a unity but not a monotony.

•What are your gifts, services, activities?

•What is your light? How are you going to let it shine this year?

•Dig deep this week as we ask two questions… What gifts, services, activities has the Spirit given me? What are our expectations for the spring?

Here’s some fun activities if you’re interested…

Easy Maze

Moderate Maze

Harder Maze

From Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest" -- Jan. 8th

Oswald Chambers - "We seem to think that God wants us to give up things! God purified Abraham from this error, and the same process is at work in our lives. God never tells us to give up things just for the sake of giving them up, but He tells us to give them up for the sake of the only thing worth having, namely, life with Himself. It is a matter of loosening the bands that hold back our lives."
