Fill the gap! A challenge for the new church year.

I like technology development. Luckily for me, in my job I get to participate in various technology development efforts. These projects create and develop new technology to address current needs. We often talk about the needs for new technology as technological “gaps”. We look at where we want or need to be in the future and define the missing pieces in our roadmap to getting there. These are defined technology gaps. They are very important when it comes to deciding what projects to pursue, fund, or work. As a matter of fact, it is getting to the point that all future proposals for new work must directly tie to a defined technology gap.

As we move into the new church year, let God challenge us to address the loving others “gaps” in the world around us. God has people doing some amazing things in our community. Where are the “gap” areas where no one is standing in for others? Ezekiel 22 describes a land that has gone horribly wrong. Listed in this chapter are misbehaving leaders, the mistreatment of others, oppression, conspiracy, injustice, and more. It is a mess! In all this, God looks for someone to stand before him in the gap on the behalf of the land. He looks for people who see the ways things have gone wrong and are willing to stand up for those who are in need. This church year, let’s define the ministry gaps. Where are the places where people are in desperate need of the goodness of God and have no one to stand in the gap and help connect them to Him? Perhaps this can be our call and govern our direction. Perhaps we can tie our efforts to specific gaps in our world and let us be the one’s who connect those in need to the God who is love.